
This section lists issues - problems on the street network and related matters.

Issues always relate to some geographical location, whether very local or perhaps city-wide.

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Listed issues, most recent first, limited to the area of Histon and Impington Active Travel:

  • Driving on Mere Way

    Created by cpax // 1 thread

      On a recent ride up The Mere Way I noticed that the wooden pillar had been removed and that cars were being driven on the route .

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  • 23/04537/FUL - Flats - School Hill - Histon

    Tom McKeown // 1 thread

    First and second floor extension above the existing ground floor commercial Business and Service premises (Use Class E) and Library (Use Class F1(d)) to create 15 No. residential apartments including a communal terrace, together with an associated communal entrance/service building (including first and second floor commercial units (Use Class E)), cycle parking, refuse provision, landscaping, the reconfiguration of the established car park, substation and associated infrastructure works.

    Land Adjacent To School Hill Histon Cambridgeshire CB24 9JE

    South Cambridgeshire

    Application reference : 23/04537/FUL

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  • Cambridge Environmental Improvement Programme (EIP) 2024

    Created by Roxanne (CEO) // 1 thread

    Cambridge City Council has launched its Environmental Improvement Programme (EIP) for 2024, which gives residents the opportunity to identify where they would like the council to fund small-scale improvements to the city’s streets and open spaces.

    Cambridge residents are invited to put forward their ideas for the EIP through the council's online consultation platform. A total of £170,000 is available to be allocated to the proposed projects – up to £5,000 is available for local projects unless they are strongly supported in which case up to £10,000 could be made available. Up to £20,000 is available for projects that will enhance larger areas of the city.

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  • Social Media Hostility

    Created by jack // 1 thread

    I have noticed that especially since the congestion charge there has been a lot of aggression towards Camcycle in social media comments. Notably on Facebook, Nextdoor, etc. I am aware that angry aggressive people have always been on the internet but I do feel the level has increased since congestion charge notoriety, with many people's opinions degenerating into conspiracy theories about Camcycle and the council.

    I do worry about the effect this can have on increasing "us vs them" mentality and increasing aggressive behaviour towards cyclists on the road.

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  • Long wait to cross Busway / Station Road, Histon

    Created by Matt H // 1 thread

    Pedestrians and cyclists at the toucan crossing where the busway meets Station Road, Histon have to wait a long time for the lights to change even if there is zero bus or road traffic.

    This seems inconsistent with Highway Code rule H1 about the hierarchy of road users. Pedestrians should have priority over non-existent buses!

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  • Delivery robots

    Created by Roxanne (CEO) // 1 thread

    A pilot of delivery robots may be coming to Cambridgeshire. 

    What are our views/policies about delivery robots?

    What do we know about other places they have been trialled?

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  • Guided busway hazard

    Created by User 3428 (deleted) // 1 thread

    Sunday 26th of September 10.15pm I was cycling from Cambridge North to Histon.  I collided with a fence immediately after exiting the A14 tunnel and sustained a dislocated shoulder along with other injuries.

    There is definitely a hazard here because 

    1) the busway and tunnel from Cambridge North are brightly lit.  The busway after the tunnel towards Histon is unlit.  

    2) about 30m after the tunnel the width of the busway tarmac surface suddenly reduces due to the introduction of the gravel strip (approx 1m wide).  There is also a fence near the start of the gravel strip (I assume for the small animal tunnel)..

    I cycled through the tunnel and noticed a cyclist coming in the opposite direction (without lights), so I took avoiding action by moving to the left.  I may have then glanced at my mobile phone on my handlebars.  When I looked up I saw the fence in my headlight.  I then hit or clipped the fence.

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  • Cambridge Science Park North

    Created by Roxanne (CEO) // 1 thread

    Trinity College has begun to consult on a proposal to transform a parcel of adjacent agricultural land to the east of Histon and Impington into Cambridge Science Park North. The proposal is at early stages with a submission having been made into the Call for Sites process which forms part of the Greater Cambridge local plan

    Science Park North will be created on land which is currently used for farming, but is located close to the Park and Ride and the waste transfer site which are both accessed from the A10.

    It is located close to the Area Action Plan land to the east and the Project Team is working closely with AAP Members on a number of areas which are of mutual interest. It is anticipated that the timescale for the AAP process will match the development timescale for the Greater Cambridge Local Plan and the CSP North timetable is planned to complement this.

    CSP North is also located close to Cambridge Regional College, which sits between the existing science park and the proposed expansion land.  Discussions are underway with CRC  with the ambition of providing facilities for greater collaboration in the future which could be in the form of expansion but also education and work apprenticeship schemes for future students of the CRC.

    The transport strategy for Cambridge Science Park North is targeted at complementing the improvement plans for the existing science park. The initial aim is to ensure that there is no increase in car use across the two sites, with a medium and long-term target of reducing car usage across the two sites completely.

    The early ideas are to provide a consolidated space for parking which will serve both Science Park sites, which will be linked to a mobility hub providing pedestrian, cycling, autonomous vehicle and sustainable mass transit facilities for onward travel.  These will utilise existing infrastructure such as Mereway Cycle Route and the Guided Busway as well as proposed infrastructure such as The CAM.

    These proposals will improve access to the whole of Cambridge, reducing current traffic on the Milton Road by providing a hub serving the wider AAP area including access to Cambridge North Station. 

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  • Map of planned projects

    Created by wookey // 2 threads

    It's hard to know where (and when) all the future cycling-related developments are, so a map showing them could be very useful. This issue is to discuss this idea, if it is useful, or already exists somewhere, and how it might be done.

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